
Modified nano-sized cell particles found to boost cancer immunotherapy, reduce side effects

Modified nano-sized cell particles found to boost cancer immunotherapy, reduce side effects

Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses the body's own immune system to help fight cancer. This is by stimulating the immune response to recognize and attack cancer cells more effectively. The treatment involves using substances that boost the immune system, teaching immune cells to target cancer, or using engineered cells to specifically target and kill cancer cells. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Polaris Dawn brings new areas of research, medical care

Polaris Dawn brings new areas of research, medical care

The launch of Polaris Dawn from Kennedy Space Center includes the first civilian commercial spacewalk and other factors that will be firsts for space medicine research. And that's why Emmanuel Urquieta, an internationally recognized space medicine expert who recently joined UCF's College of Medicine, is especially excited about this latest mission. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Researchers find evidence that bumblebees make the same memory errors as humans

Researchers find evidence that bumblebees make the same memory errors as humans

Psychologists at the University of Stirling have carried out research that shows wild bumblebees make the same memory errors as humans. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Using sunlight to turn greenhouse gases into valuable chemicals

Using sunlight to turn greenhouse gases into valuable chemicals

McGill University researchers have harnessed the power of sunlight to transform two of the most harmful greenhouse gases into valuable chemicals. The discovery could help combat climate change and provide a more sustainable way to produce certain industrial products. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Comprehensive model uses airborne LiDAR data to predict walking travel times with unprecedented accuracy

Comprehensive model uses airborne LiDAR data to predict walking travel times with unprecedented accuracy

You're a hotshot working to contain a wildfire. The conflagration jumps the fire line, forcing your crew to flee using pre-determined escape routes. At the start of the day, the crew boss estimated how long it should take to get to the safety zone. With the flames at your back, you check your watch and hope they were right. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Paleontologists find omnivorous ancestor of the giant panda, revealing it was not always just a bamboo eater

Paleontologists find omnivorous ancestor of the giant panda, revealing it was not always just a bamboo eater

The Hammerschmiede fossil site in southern Germany has yielded finds from about 11.5 million years ago that have rewritten evolutionary history. The sole species of bear discovered to date at the site was a relative of the giant panda. Its diet, however, more closely resembled the mixed diet of today's brown bears. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Research team uses terahertz pulses of light to shed light on superconducting disorder

Research team uses terahertz pulses of light to shed light on superconducting disorder

A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) in Hamburg, Germany, and Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States has demonstrated a new way to study disorder in superconductors using terahertz pulses of light. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Save $79 on Celestron Nature DX 12x56 binoculars at Amazon

Save $79 on Celestron Nature DX 12x56 binoculars at Amazon

Looking for your next pair of binoculars? Save 29% and get the Celestron Nature DX 12x56 binoculars for $190 at Amazon in this binocular deal

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Trimetallic-based nanocarriers method shows promise for visualized idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis therapy

Trimetallic-based nanocarriers method shows promise for visualized idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis therapy

A research group from Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) developed a novel method for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) therapy by transplanting mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which improved the therapeutic efficacy and realized real-time treatment visualization. The study was published in Science Advances. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Machine learning powers discovery of new cryoprotectants for cold storage

Machine learning powers discovery of new cryoprotectants for cold storage

Scientists from the University of Warwick and the University of Manchester have developed a cutting-edge computational framework that enhances the safe freezing of medicines and vaccines. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Are white patches on whale shark skin cause for concern?

Are white patches on whale shark skin cause for concern?

Marine scientists have been taking samples from whale shark skin to try and determine the effect of pollutants on whale health. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Lower shipping emissions may lead to higher global temperatures

Lower shipping emissions may lead to higher global temperatures

Products that we depend on and use every day arrive by way of massive container ships to ports around the world. But the maritime shipping industry is also responsible for polluting the air and oceans with sulfur dioxide, which can negatively affect human health, cause ocean acidification, and oxidize to form sulfate aerosols. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Research highlights how global action can deliver transformative change for the planet

Research highlights how global action can deliver transformative change for the planet

Dr. Souran Chatterjee, from the University of Plymouth, has made a major contribution to a second United Nations report exploring the best ways of harnessing climate change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) synergies. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Physicists achieve high selectivity in nanostructures using selenium doping

Physicists achieve high selectivity in nanostructures using selenium doping

Physicists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have achieved controlled conformational arrangements in nanostructures using a flexible precursor and selenium doping, enhancing material properties and structural homogeneity. Their method advances on-surface synthesis for the design and development of engineered nanomaterials. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

The skies are about to get a new star as a result of a cosmic cataclysm

The skies are about to get a new star as a result of a cosmic cataclysm

Any night now, the astrophysicists tell us, a new star will appear in the night sky—about as bright as the North Star—the result of a cosmic explosion in a distant constellation millennia ago. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

For some California kids, the fight against climate change is personal

For some California kids, the fight against climate change is personal

Madigan Traversi's world changed in the fall of 2017, but the forces responsible for her transformation had been brewing for a long time. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Earth may have had a ring system 466 million years ago

Earth may have had a ring system 466 million years ago

In a discovery that challenges our understanding of Earth's ancient history, researchers have found evidence suggesting that Earth may have had a ring system that formed around 466 million years ago, at the beginning of a period of unusually intense meteorite bombardment known as the Ordovician impact spike. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Contrail avoidance is less likely to damage climate by mistake than previously thought, researchers find

Contrail avoidance is less likely to damage climate by mistake than previously thought, researchers find

A new study allays fears that rerouting flights to avoid forming climate-warming contrails could result in inadvertently making climate warming worse. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

New tidally tilted pulsator discovered by astronomers

New tidally tilted pulsator discovered by astronomers

Astronomers have detected a new tidally pulsator star (TTP) by analyzing the data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The newfound pulsator, designated TIC 435850195, belongs to the rare class of tri-axial TTPs. The finding was detailed in a research paper published September 5 on the pre-print server arXiv. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Theoretical physicists develop method to model a central theory of quantum gravity in the laboratory

Theoretical physicists develop method to model a central theory of quantum gravity in the laboratory

Gravity is no longer a mystery to physicists—at least when it comes to large distances. Thanks to science, we can calculate the orbits of planets, predict tides, and send rockets into space with precision. However, the theoretical description of gravity reaches its limits at the level of the smallest particles, the so-called quantum level. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

How Olmec elite helped legitimize their political power through art

How Olmec elite helped legitimize their political power through art

In an article recently published in Latin American Antiquity, Dr. Jill Mollenhauer argues that the Gulf Lowland Olmec, one of Mesoamerica's earliest major civilizations, sometimes incorporated aesthetic and ritual practices associated with their rock art into their sculptures. She argues that this allowed Olmec elites to harness the spiritual and natural potency of the wild and sacred landscape and bring it into the domestic and urban centers, where it legitimized their political power. - News And Articles On Science And Technology -

Jade burial suit: 2,000-year-old 'immortality' armor worn by Chinese royalty

Jade burial suit: 2,000-year-old 'immortality' armor worn by Chinese royalty

The jade burial suit was made using thousands of pieces of jade held together with gold thread.

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From Sandstone Basin to Stonehenge Altar

From Sandstone Basin to Stonehenge Altar

New research unearths the Scottish origin of Stonehenge’s Altar Stone and its 750-kilometer journey to Salisbury Plain.

Eos: Earth And Space Science News -

Lower Shipping Emissions May Lead to Higher Global Temperatures

Lower Shipping Emissions May Lead to Higher Global Temperatures

Regulations designed to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions from the maritime shipping industry are linked to a change in cloud structure that raises atmospheric temperatures.

Eos: Earth And Space Science News -

Could life survive in the plumes of Enceladus?

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh found that simple microorganisms could survive in conditions that mimic the plumes shooting out of Saturn's icy moon.

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